
The Betrayer and the Beloved

February 10, 2013 Speaker: John Hansen Series: The Gospel of John

Topic: Intimacy with God Passage: John 13:18–13:30

Intro: Great betrayers in history
• Benedict Arnold - Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War who originally fought for the American Continental Army but defected to the British Army. While a general on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and plotted to surrender it to the British forces. After the plot was exposed in September 1780, he was commissioned into the British Army as a brigadier general. His name has become synonymous with the word “traitor”.
• Brutus – Brutus conspired in the assassination of Julius Caesar. In the play, Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare, as Caesar is dying he looks up and is shocked to see Brutus among the conspirators. His final words are "Et tu, Brute?" ("And you, Brutus?") and then he dies.
• Ahithophel – Ahithophel was the trusted counselor and close friend of King David. When Absolom rebelled, Ahithophel turned on David and ran to the aide of Absolom.
• Judas – But the greatest of traitors the world has ever known is the man who betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Never had a traitor been so loved. Never had the betrayed been so righteous…as when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ.
The Betrayer, the Bridegroom and the Beloved
• John 13:18-30
• The text largely focuses on Judas, but in the midst of those sober verses we see the sweet relationship that John the Beloved had with Jesus

• Dean spoke of Peace, Love and Intimacy in the Upper Room – but there was still a tension because Judas was still there:
o Thief that stole from the money bags
o The one who harbored a plan given to him by Satan.
o When Judas was in the room, Satan was in the room. Vs. 27 says that Satan entered into Judas. For the disciples, they may have sensed a spiritual coolness from Judas’ presence. But for Jesus, who saw into the spiritual world, he knew he sat at table with Satan himself.
o Vs. 28 – Jesus says “What you are going to do, do quickly.” And he sends Judas and Satan out. I believe when he said this, he was speaking to Satan as well.
o Vs. 21 – Jesus is troubled in spirit. He has pointed out the elephant in the room in verse 18 that the one who has lifted up his heel against Jesus is present. Jesus’ betrayer is present until he sends Judas and Satan out in verse 28 to quickly put into action their evil plan.
o Like the bursting of a painful sore, Judas’ departure is followed by relief.
o But these verses are not the verses of relief, but rather the verses of the painful pressure and uncomfortable tension that lead up to Judas’ departure.
• Tension from the time they enter the room even during the time of the foot washing
o Vs. 2: 2 During supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him
o Vs. 5: 5 Then he [Jesus] poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet [including Judas’] and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
o Vs. 10: 10 Jesus said to him [to Peter], “The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not every one of you.”
 He hints at the fact that there is a dirty soul in the room.
8 Lessons of Light in the Face of Darkness in the Upper Room
As we jump into our text today [in VERSE 18], we see that the tension continues and gets stronger as Jesus begins to speak in less veiled references about his betrayer.
18 I am not speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But the Scripture will be fulfilled, ‘He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’
1. There will be unbelievers mixed in with the believers in the church.
• Tares mixed in with the wheat
• In a literal sense, Jesus is saying that there is a man at table that has been eating his bread who will betray him.
• But the phrase “ate my bread” is not meant to be taken in just a literal sense. To eat bread with is to fellowship with, to commune with, to enjoy relationship with. Judas’ has been doing that for the last 3 years during the time of Jesus’ public ministry. He walked and talked with Jesus. He saw the miracles. He heard the teachings. Jesus had chosen Judas and had brought Judas close to him, even trusted him with the money bag.
• Bread can also speak metaphorically of money. Bread is provision. Judas had control of the money bag and he had dipped into it for his own personal wishes. He had eaten from Jesus bread, or taken from his provision.
• Also, Jesus says this is a fulfillment of a prophecy: 100’s of years before, God planned on this and sovereignly guided history toward this end. God orchestrates history, even the actions of the wicked. God did not make them sin, but he orchestrated history and planned on the actions of Judas, the Pharisees and the Romans.
• As evidence, we see that this prophecy from Psalm 41:9 was written hundreds of years before Judas was even born.

2. God sovereignly guides even the affairs of the wicked.
18 I am not speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But the Scripture will be fulfilled, ‘He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’
Let’s look at this Prophecy from Psalm 41, starting in verse 7.
7 All who hate me whisper together about me;
they imagine the worst for me. [Jewish leaders plotting his death. In secret, the whispering is spreading about Jesus and his fate.]
8 They say, “A deadly thing is poured out on him;
he will not rise again from where he lies.”
9 Even my close friend in whom I trusted,
who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. [Judas]
10 But you, O LORD, be gracious to me,
and raise me up [resurrection], that I may repay them! [Judgment]
11 By this I know that you delight in me:
my enemy will not shout in triumph over me.
12 But you have upheld me because of my integrity, [perfect holiness of Christ]
and set me in your presence forever. [Jesus ascends to the right hand of God]
13 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting!
Amen and Amen.

On the cross Jesus said, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” By doing so he directed our attention to Psalm 22, a prophecy about his death. Perhaps that is what Jesus is doing here as well. He quotes one verse of Psalm 41, which directs our attention to the surrounding verses.
Psalm 41 gets even more interesting for us when we see that it has a double meaning. In the prophetic sense, this passage speaks of Judas and the betrayal of Christ. In the most literal sense, David is bemoaning the fact that his closest counselor, Ahithophel, has turned against him and joined the side of David’s rebel son, Absolom. We see these events unfold in 2 Samuel 15-18.
Ahithophel is a Prophetic Foreshadowing of Judas
Ahithophel and Judas

Wikipedia: Ahitophel ("Brother of Insipidity", or "Impiety") was a counselor of King David and a man greatly renowned for his sagacity. At the time of Absalom's revolt he deserted David (Psalm. 41:9; 55:12-14) and espoused the cause of Absalom (2 Samuel 15:12).
David sent his old friend Hushai back to Absalom, in order that he might counteract the counsel of Ahitophel (2 Sam. 15:31-37). Ahitophel, seeing that his good advice against David had not been followed due to Hushai's influence, correctly predicted that the revolt would fail. He then left the camp of Absalom at once. He returned to Giloh, his native place, and after arranging his worldly affairs, hanged himself, and was buried in the sepulcher of his fathers (2 Sam. 17:1-23).
A man named Ahitophel is also mentioned in 2 Samuel 23:34, and he is said to be the father of Eliam. Since 2 Samuel 11:3 notes that Eliam is the father of Bathsheba, some scholars suggest that the Ahitophel of 2 Samuel 15 may in fact be Bathsheba's grandfather. Levenson and Halpern, for example, note that "the narrator is sufficiently subtle (or guileless) to have Bathsheba's grandfather... instigate the exaction of YHWH's pound of flesh," as Nathan's curse in 2 Samuel 12:11 comes to fruition.[1]
• Similarities Between Ahithophel and Judas
1. Relational Closeness
 Ahithophel was David’s chief counselor. David shared secret details of government with Ahithophel and sought his counsel.
 Judas was one of the 12 and here in the Upper Room we see him sitting on Jesus left in the place of honor, seated right next to the chief person. He was so trusted by Jesus that he was given charge of the money bag.
2. Betrayal and Alliance with the Enemy
 Ahithophel betrays David by becoming counsel for Absolom. David had kept Ahithophel so close that he knew all of David’s weaknesses and he sought to exploit those weaknesses by counseling Absolom in how to destroy David.
 Judas betrays Jesus by becoming a follower of Satan. He puts into action a plan given him by Satan and by the Jewish religious leaders, Jesus sworn enemies, and they work together to put Jesus’ to death. Judas knows where they can find Jesus, he leads the soldiers to the garden and betrays Jesus with a kiss.
3. The Plan Backfires
 Ahithophel tells Absolom a sure-fire plan that will destroy David. But Hushai, a plant of David, counsels Absolom to go with another plan, a plan that will fail. Absolom decides to follow Hushai’s plan instead of Ahithophel’s. Ahithophel realizes this will not only be Absolom’s doom, but his as well. So…according to 2 Sam. 17:23, “23 When Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled his donkey and went off home to his own city. He set his house in order and hanged himself, and he died and was buried in the tomb of his father.”
 Similarly, Judas realizes he has betrayed innocent blood. The weight of his guilt comes crashing down on him and he too goes and hangs himself.
• Prophetic Analogy: Ahithophel is to David as Judas is to the Son of David (Ahithophel : David :: Judas : Son of David)
• Ahithophel was David’s Judas, and Ahithophel’s life is a foreshadowing of the greatest betrayal, not of David, but that of the Son of David, Jesus Christ.
TRANSITION: In John 13:18, Jesus quotes Psalm 41:9 so that his disciples would not miss the prophecy that was being fulfilled at that very moment. “He who ate my bread has lifted his heal against me.” He continues in [VERSE 19]:
19 I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am he.
The Danger of a Betrayer
Consider the potential danger that Judas brings to the table. If Jesus had said nothing about Judas’ betrayal before it happened, that could have shipwrecked the disciples faith. It would have brought up all sorts of questions:
• Why did Jesus choose him?
• Doesn’t Jesus have better sense than to choose a betrayer and a thief?
• Was Jesus completely thrown off by this? Did this catch him off guard?
• If Jesus chose Judas to be one of us and he went bad, then who’s to say that one of us won’t eventually turn to the dark side?
• If Jesus was completely off on his assessment of Judas, how can we trust him on other things? How can we trust his assessment of us, of the father, of himself? How can we trust that he is the messiah come from God?
You can see how critical it was that Jesus warn them ahead of time about Judas. Jesus says, “I’m telling you now about the betrayer, so that when it happens, it won’t shipwreck your faith, but it will actually strengthen your faith.” You’ll see that:
• I knew this would happen all along when I chose him.
• I chose him on purpose knowing that he would steal, deceive and betray.
• I chose him because he would be the fulfillment of prophecy.
• And I chose him because ultimately, he would strengthen your faith.

3. Jesus chose Judas on purpose to strengthen the faith of God’s children.
How does Judas strengthen our faith? In Judas, we see…
1. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.
2. That Jesus knows the hearts of men.
3. That Jesus knows the future actions of evil people and even of Satan himself.
4. That God’s plans are not thwarted by evil, but actually that Satan and the wicked ultimately are used to fulfill God’s sovereign plans.
Jesus chose Judas on purpose. For such a time as this, Jesus picked Judas, spent 3 very intimate years with Judas, even loved Judas, washed Judas feet… This was not an accident! Jesus chose Judas to be the keeper of the money bag, to be the deceiver and the betrayer who would raise his heel up against Jesus, to be the fulfillment of the prophecy of Psalm 41 and the embodiment of the prophetic life of Ahithophel, and to show us just how dark evil can get. Jesus chose Judas on purpose!
Notice how verse 19 ends: you may believe that I am he.
• In the Greek, the word “he” isn’t there.
• It reads, so you may believe that “I am”. – a reference to Jesus’ deity
• At the burning bush, Moses asked God: “Who should I say has sent me?” God responds to tell them that “I am” has sent you.
• Jesus told these things ahead of time about Judas, so that that the disciples would believe that Jesus is God, that he is the great “I am”.
Jesus came to be the light in a world of darkness. As the light shown brighter, the darkness became all the more black. Jesus would divide the world into 2 camps, darkness and light, followers of Satan and followers of God…those who rejected Jesus and those who received him. [VERSE 20]
20 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.
4. When you receive the message of Jesus from one of His followers, that is your God moment, in which you have the opportunity to welcome God himself into your life.
• Your God Moment: I come to you today with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. This is your God moment. If you receive what I am saying, you will be receiving Jesus.
• I’d add to that: For those of you who have already encountered God because of the witness of one of His saints, your job now is to spread the Word. When you share the gospel with someone else, that is their God moment. It is their opportunity to receive or reject Jesus Christ. If they reject what you are saying, it is not you they are rejecting but Him. If they receive what you are saying, you have not won them over to yourself, but you have one them over to Christ!
Father  Jesus  Disciples  Us
There is a sending process here. The father sends Jesus, Jesus sends his disciples, his disciples send us. But Jesus says that you can trace this sending backwards as well.
Father  Jesus  Disciples  We
If we receive the testimony of the disciples, in essence we are receiving Jesus, and if we receive Jesus, we are receiving the Father.
For a moment, we’ve forgotten about Judas: Judas seems to be the focus of the text, but keep in mind that Jesus focus is not on Judas, but rather on his disciples. Judas has given himself over to Satan’s plan and Satan himself will take up residence in Judas in verse 27. Jesus says what he says here primarily for the sake of his disciples.
Judas did not receive Jesus and thus did not receive the Father. Judas did not come to Jesus to become a child of heaven, but rather he turned to Satan to become a son of the devil. [VERSE 21]
21 After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”
5. Pay attention when your spirit is troubled.
• Troubled in Spirit – Dean Davis: I've had an experience like this. Years back a certain brother entered Lighthouse. He was ALWAYS flattering me. He was very generous and very supportive of the work. But when he spoke, I was troubled. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I let him teach. I think he even became an elder. But eventually, I couldn't go on. I had to ask him to step down. When he did, he left. The church lasted for about a year after that, and then we took in the shingle, in peace mingled with sorrow. Lots of morals here. But the relevant one is this: If you're troubled, listen to that. Pray over it. Wait on God's peace. Don't make a move without it, especially a move like inviting someone onto the leadership team.
• Don’t carry that weight alone: You need to talk about it. Even Jesus shared what he was going through with his disciples. They saw the struggle in his face. They heard the tension in his voice as he said: One of you will betray me.
• One of you will betray me: Jesus makes it very clear now that the betrayer is not just someone who Jesus has shared a meal with, but that the betrayer is in the room.
• Intro I Cut: I was going to… [Have Karl come up and whisper in my ear during the scripture reading, go outside, and then whisper in my ear just before the sermon.] Can I have everyone just stay seated? The police will be here in just a moment to arrest someone that is here this morning. In light of that, I think I should wait to begin the sermon. The point is that I wanted you to get a little bit of a sense of what it was like that night in the upper room, when Jesus told his disciples, “One of you will betray me.”
• It’s like the moment when the Butler in Clue lets everyone know that there is a murderer in the room.
• Everyone looks around wondering who it could be. But unlike Clue, the villain has yet to strike. In Clue, everyone knew one person that could not be the murderer, themselves, but in the Upper Room, the disciples do not have that assurance. They become horrified at the thought that the evil could be lurking within them, that they, after all Jesus had done for them, might turn on him and betray him.
• You might not have expected that. You might have thought that Peter would have looked around the room and stared at Judas thinking to himself, “I know who it is. It’s that nasty, pilfering Judas with scowl on his face and the big wart on his nose.”
• But that’s not how it was. Judas had kept a low profile. He acted the part. When Mary poured the expensive perfume on Jesus, he shared his [softly with a gentle voice] concern for the poor. He saw to it that the other disciples saw him as a committed follower of Jesus. They didn’t have a clue! [VERSES 22-25]
22 The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke.
According to Matthew 26, all the disciples started asking Jesus, “Is it I?” I think that occurred here right between verses 22 and 23.
In Matthew 26:25, Matthew points out that Judas asked this as well. “25 Judas, who would betray him, answered, “Is it I, Rabbi?” Judas calls Jesus “Rabbi”. He masterfully deceives all 11 of the other disciples, but he is unable to deceive Jesus, who responds to him, “You have said so.”
6. In real life, the face of evil rarely looks like it does in the Disney movies.
• In the Walt Disney tales, the villain is often an ugly, wicked witch with a big wart on her nose who talks in a harsh and nasty tone.
• In real life, some of the most vile souls on the planet often have an appearance that is beautiful and nice. They talk in sweet tones and show concern for the poor… But in their hearts they are planning a mutiny against God and his son Jesus Christ.
• Sweet Old Lady: My sister Beki and I were reaching out to this sweet, old lady. She was lonely so we tried to befriend her. We took her to a basketball game and other outings. One day when we were dropping her off at home she asked if I would walk her to the door. When we got to the door, she asked, “Can I kiss you?” I figured she wanted to give me a little smooch on the cheek like a grandma would do. But she came on to me and started kissing me on the lips. I pulled away. I was completely shocked and horrified. This woman’s little apartment was full of romance novels, which I believe had corrupted her soul. I learned a lesson that day; looks can be deceiving.
• Even in the church, there are wolves who wear sheep’s clothing, they hang out with the sheep, they baa like the sheep and they are often very convincing so that you are completely shocked when you find out that they were not sheep.
TRANSITION: Judas says, “Is it I, rabbi?” in a kind, sincere sounding voice. All the disciples are sure that it wouldn’t be sweet, kind Judas who cares so much about plight of those in need. They think it more likely that they themselves could be the betrayer than that it would be Judas. Peter decides he has to find out who this betrayer is…so he gets John to ask for him. [VERSE 23]
23 One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table at Jesus' side, 24 so Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking.25 So that disciple, leaning back against Jesus, said to him, “Lord, who is it?”
• John: the disciple whom Jesus loved
o John’s Identity: He doesn’t use his name. He simply refers to himself as the one Jesus loved. Do you see yourself that way? Do you see yourself loved by Jesus?
o Secure in that love: John seems completely secure in that love. He cuddles up to Jesus and just enjoys being close to him. He doesn’t seem worried about people calling him a sissy. He doesn’t feel the need to sit up straight and look strong. “As long as I’m with him, I’m safe.”
7. We gain intimacy with Jesus as we abandon our pride, become vulnerable and draw near to Him.
o Pictures of John laying on Jesus

 Realistic scene
 Orthodox picture – John looks very young, humbly laying on Jesus’ chest
 Very intimate
o Rog: “Your capacity for intimacy is proportionate to your willingness to be vulnerable.”
 To the extent that you are willing to humble yourself and be weak…and vulnerable…in the presence of his strength…to that extent you will open yourself up to greater intimacy with Jesus.
o Leaning back against Jesus: Some versions say he was leaning against Jesus’ breast. Do you feel secure in Jesus love for you? Do you feel safe enough to cuddle up to him and enjoy sweet fellowship with him?
o James 4:8: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” There is a sense that when we are justified, that all our sins are gone and we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ…and God loves us like he loves his own son. But also, there is another sense where intimacy with God is a choice we make. Like John, we can lean over and lay our head on Jesus’ breast, or we can sit up straight like a tough guy and maintain a distance.
o Consider some of the greats I the Bible and their intimate relationship with God:
 John: the disciple whom Jesus loved
 David: a man after God’s own heart
 Moses: a friend of God
 Mary: She just wanted to sit at Jesus feet. Jesus rebuked Martha, ““Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” It was Mary who broke the expensive flask of perfume and anointed Jesus feet. She loved Jesus more than anything.
o Dean: “Your reward in heaven is proportionate not to how much you do for him, but to your level of intimacy with him.”
 Not to discount the value of good works
 But to emphasize the high importance of intimacy with Jesus
o John drew near: to Jesus and enjoyed sweet fellowship with him. John was the only disciple who made it to the cross. When Jesus wanted someone to look after his mother, he chose John.
TRANSITION: And when Peter wants to get information from Jesus, he asks John. Perhaps, he did so just because of the seating arrangement. Or, perhaps he went through John because he knew that John was very close to Jesus. When you need an answer. When you need wisdom. Go to someone who is close to Jesus. Peter ribs John…ask him…and John asks Jesus who the betrayer is. In [VERSE 26] Jesus responds…
26 Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it.” So when he had dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.
• Irony is thick here: Jesus has been ministering to Judas for 3 years, sharing with Judas his food, his money, his teaching and his miracles. Here, in John 13, Jesus has just washed Judas’ feet, and now in pointing out that Judas is the betrayer, he does one last act of kindness in giving him bread to eat.
• John MacArthur: And now it was always a mark of honor for the host to dip a sop and give it to the guest of honor. And Jesus, lovingly, kindly, in a gesture of love toward Judas, dips the sop, and gives it to Judas on His left, as if Judas was the guest of honor.
• Satan: As the bread of Jesus goes into Judas, Satan enters Judas as well. Judas physically receives of the goodness of Jesus while in his heart harboring an evil plan against him. Judas returns evil for good and in so doing hands control of his life over to Satan. [VERSE 27]
27 Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him.
8. The wicked who defiantly resist God end up giving themselves over to Satan, and as they complete Satan’s bidding, God’s sovereign will is accomplished.
• Satan’s plan had already been in Judas’ heart (Verse 2), but now, at least at this point, Satan himself has entered into Judas.
• What would that have been like for Judas? All of a sudden one of the most powerful beings in the universe has filled your being. Satan is not omnipresent. He can’t be two places at one time. Satan’s full essence is in the room, inside of Judas. How did it feel for Judas? Was it a rush of exhilaration? Did it feel like Popeye felt right after he had eaten his spinach? Was it like taking a puff or an injection of some of earth’s most powerful drugs? Was it like the Hulk felt after he got angry? What was this new sensation that came over Judas? Darkness. Energy. Power. Strength. Resolve. Determination.
Continuing in verse 27: Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”
• And Jesus guides Satan to the door, “Go, do what you are going to do and do it quickly.”
• God, Satan and Judas glad to have Judas gone
o Judas: I imagine Judas is glad to be out of there before his intentions are completely laid bare before the other disciples.
o Satan: Satan is happy to have Judas out of there because he has work for Judas. I imagine Satan rubs his hands together gleefully thinking, “Let’s get on with this.” He sees his triumph so clearly now he can practically taste it.
o God: Satan and God are both eager for Judas to get a move on. Satan charges in excited about the fulfillment of his plans, but God is similarly excited because he knows all the time that Satan’s greatest efforts to defy him will only aide the Lord in bringing about his sovereign will…for Jesus to go to the cross.
TRANSITION: Judas plays the part up until the end. He receives the bread so humbly and gently that the disciples still don’t get it. [VERSE 28]
28 Now no one at the table knew why he said this to him. 29 Some thought that, because Judas had the moneybag, Jesus was telling him, “Buy what we need for the feast,” or that he should give something to the poor. 30 So, after receiving the morsel of bread, he immediately went out. And it was night.
• And it was night - The physical setting symbolizes the spiritual reality: The darkness of Satan fills Judas’ soul. And now Judas steps out into the night and he is completely engulfed in darkness.
• But the disciples have no idea about his sinister plan. They don’t understand why Jesus gave the bread to Judas even though Jesus had explained it before he gave him the bread.
• They think that Judas is heading off to run an errand for Jesus, to serve the messiah that Judas’ loved so much. Perhaps they think Judas is doing this to serve Jesus out of gratefulness for the service that Jesus had just done to him in washing his feet.
• Or, Judas is off to give some money to the poor. That do-gooder! He can never sit still and enjoy a nice banquet laid out before him. He’s always thinking of others.
• So Judas leaves…and when he does he leaves behind a room full of disciples who are only thinking the best of him.
• The disciples observe: Judas appearance as Jesus says the betrayer is in the room. They see his countenance as he eats the morsel of bread Jesus’ gives him. They hear Jesus tell him to “do quickly” what he’s going to do, and they see him get up and walk out…and they still have no idea what he is plotting. They look at his expressions, they gaze into his eyes, and still think he’s a wonderful man. Understand this people, you can look into the face of complete evil and walk away thinking that you have gazed upon prince charming.

1. Understand that there is great evil in this world.
o The psychologists want to call it mal-adjusted.
o The liberals want to tell you that everyone has good heart. They don’t want you to call any nation an “axis of evil” or any person “wicked”.
o The Bible makes it clear that there are evil nations, evil actions and evil individuals. Beware of the them!
2. Judge what is evil not by appearances, but by the standard of God’s Word.
o Don’t be deceived by a pretty face or a sweet voice.
o She may look like a princess, and he may speak like Prince Charming, but do not be deceived by outward appearances.
o Look for fruit! What do they say? What do they do? What is the fruit of their lives?
3. Be like John and cuddle up to Jesus this week.
o May you enjoy sweet times in the Word and prayer this week.
o May you see yourself as “the disciple that Jesus loves”.
4. Let your faith be built up by the testimony of Judas.
o Judas the Counter Witness who Destroys the Prosecutions Case: Satan grabbed Judas thinking that Judas would be his most powerful witness in the case against Jesus. Judas of his own will fully complies with Satan. Surely, this would destroy Jesus testimony:
 One of Jesus’ most trusted disciples turns against him.
 Betrays him with a kiss.
 And hands him over to be crucified.
 Surely, that would destroy the disciples’ faith and ruin Jesus’ reputation once and for all in the eyes of Israel and the world.
o But Satan’s master plan goes awry during the cross-witnessing. Judas falls to pieces and his final testimony becomes one of the most powerful witnesses to the veracity of Christ’s message every uttered by human lips: “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”
o In court, if you can get an unbiased witness to support your case, that goes a long way toward convincing the jury.
o But if you can get a witness that is biased against you to support your case, that is a much more powerful testimony.
o Satan’s key witness admits that Jesus is innocent. All of sudden, Judas’ 3 years with Jesus start really counting for something. Judas was with Jesus night and day. He saw Jesus dealings with people. He saw Jesus dealings with money first hand. He knew that Jesus operated in absolute integrity in everything he did. In his final testimony, Satan’s case falls apart as Satan’s key witness admits to authenticity, the righteousness and the innocence of Jesus.
o We must be convinced of Jesus innocence to be saved: John the Baptist said that Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Only a pure, spotless and perfect lamb will suffice. Jesus must be perfect to be a worthy sacrifice so that his blood can be shed for our sins to be cleansed. He must be righteous so that we can be made righteous. Only the innocent one, who deserves no punishment himself, can die in our place so that we the guilty might be saved. Hear the testimony of Judas as he proclaims Christ’s innocence. Believe on Jesus and be saved!


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