First off, we’d love to meet you! We are a little community church that meets in Santa Rosa on Mendocino Avenue near Santa Rosa High School. Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:00 AM and goes for about an hour and a half. Our fellowship is warm and welcoming, and we’d love to have you come for a visit.
We try to make visitors feel welcome, and we aim to make it worth your while to come. We begin the service with a time of singing followed by a teaching from the Bible. The singing is heartfelt, and the teaching is rich.
We are a non-denominational reformed baptist church. We are affiliated with The Gospel Coalition and 9 Marks. We also are influenced by Acts29 and pastors such as John Piper. Doctrinally, we fit very well with these groups.
Our passion above all else is one soap box issue that we will keep coming back to, it is the gospel, the good news that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save sinners like us and to gain for us favor with God and eternal life. We believe that Christ's resurrection authenticates His teaching and validates the efficiency of His sacrifice for us on the cross.
The gospel is not just a message that saves lost people, but it is the power with which we as Christians live out the new life we have in Jesus Christ.
We highly recommend C J Mahaney’s book, “The Cross Centered Life”.
Click here to view our Statement of Faith.